a prior distribution造句

"a prior distribution"是什么意思   


  1. Now assume that a prior distribution g over \ theta exists.
  2. From a prior distributions on model parameters.
  3. Such problems related to the need to assign a prior distribution to the unknown values.
  4. He treats the penalty term as a prior distribution and estimates the spline through Bayes theorem.
  5. An alternative criterion in the decision theoretic framework is the Bayes estimator in the presence of a prior distribution \ Pi.
  6. It's difficult to find a prior distribution in a sentence. 用a prior distribution造句挺难的
  7. To construct a Bayesian p-box one must select a prior distribution, in addition to specifying the credibility level ( analogous to a confidence level ).
  8. Dirichlet distributions are very often used as prior distributions in Bayesian statistics, and in fact the Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior of the categorical distribution and multinomial distribution.
  9. Note also that the reason the integral is tractable is that it involves computing the normalization constant of a density defined by the product of a prior distribution and a likelihood.
  10. In Bayesian statistics, this can be modelled by using a prior distribution for one's assumptions on the fairness of the coin, then Bayesian inference to update this distribution.
  11. Similarly, one may use a prior distribution with a range for a hyperparameter, perhaps reflecting uncertainty in the correct prior to take, and reflect this in a range for final uncertainty.
  12. That would be a posterior distribution, based on conditional probability, but don't you need a prior distribution for that ?-- Lambiam 15 : 15, 23 September 2007 ( UTC)
  13. As with the term " hyperparameter, " the use of " hyper " is to distinguish it from a prior distribution of a parameter of the model for the underlying system.
  14. For this, you need to choose a prior distribution on " n " and update it using Bayesian inference .-- talk ) 09 : 58, 6 January 2010 ( UTC)
  15. Modern statistical models are typically made up of two parts, a prior distribution describing the inherent likelihood of a possible result and a likelihood function used to assess the compatibility of a possible result with observed data.
  16. In Bayesian statistics, a "'hyperparameter "'is a parameter of a prior distribution; the term is used to distinguish them from parameters of the model for the underlying system under analysis.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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